Tumblr app Download For Android

The Tumblr platform. An enrichment of pure effervescence. Energized by the old internet. Reblogs from around the world. Here is everything you’ve ever wanted to know about art. A fandom for everyone. A moderate-sized mammal can be knocked out by memes alone. It’s convenient for adding to or just scrolling through.

Tumblr app Download For Android

Influencers, too? Avoid this place at all costs. Your videos, your quotes, your tags, and those waterfall GIFs you secretly savor-that’s all you. As an explorer, you’re in charge. You keep making a map of us, and we are just a part of it. Greetings from home. Greetings from the weird. It’s yours to make.

Unless you have seen it elsewhere, it began here. That text post that explains something you never thought you needed to know in exquisite detail. You can’t get enough of that digital painting. Among Tumblr’s strange, wonderful, funny and fascinating content are old-school internet vibes. Just like anyone else who comes here, we’re a little different.

With your dashboard, you will be able to see what you want to see: a chronological timeline of all that you love. The universe is yours to explore, express, and enjoy. Check out the likes, reblog, and add your own take. We have a home for every community.

You have so many options when you want to share something with the world. This could be a fun take on Virgo moons, a picture of your turtle Harold or F1 fanfic your friends need to see. Whether you want to post a photo, a video, or a text message, you can do it all. If you like, you can share your current favorite song via Spotify or post an audio recording of your ramblings. For all your incorrect quotes, we even have a pre-set chat post. You won’t believe how spoilt you are!

Anyone can join the conversation by reblogging. The act of reblogging continues to make jokes-sometimes across the globe and for years to come. We all know that whatever we send into our effervescent digital ether can and will travel anywhere.

The only exception is if you reblog a post at the post level. Private blog? Do you want to post a private message only for a few friends? All of them are possible. Pikaman, this is your space-with as much freedom or privacy as you need, regardless of who you are, where you are, or what you do.

Fandom is a way of life on Tumblr. Are there any bosses on your show that you particularly like? Whether you want to stare at fanart, reblog it, stare at it again, or create your own, there’s something for everyone here. You can read your favorite ficcers from Ao3, and see their OC art on Tumblr, and discuss the finer points of lore with them. What about Pokemon? That makes sense. Does Marvel exist? Click here.

Does Kpop exist? Check it out. What is supernatural? Definitely. Does Minecraft exist? We’re ready to start. A Star Wars movie? That’s right! Who Here’s everything you need. Hold on. The frog. Have we mentioned frogs yet?

Out here, there’s a whole world to explore. The finer points of Tumblr etiquette, including reblogging, shipping, curating, and fanart, can be found on tips.tumblr.com, where Cat Frazier from animatedtext.tumblr.com discusses the effervescent, the eeby, and the deeby—for those who find the prospect of this daunting or simply need a refresher.

Therefore. Get started by signing up, following some tags, and finding your place on the dashboard. You can then reblog, like, and post whatever you like. Take a stroll through the chronological dashboard you’ve curated for yourself, or just drift through it. Dedicated to you. This kingdom is in your hands.

Frequent questions

Can you download Tumblr on Android?

With the addition of the official Android app, it has finally entered the mobile space. Your Tumblr page can be updated right from your phone by following creators and uploading your own content.

Is Tumblr a free app?

Using Tumblr is free of charge when you register on the site. Among these features are a primary blog, which can be followed, liked, and interacted with by other Tumblr users, as well as unlimited secondary blogs.

Why was Tumblr removed from the App Store?

As a result of its ability to post images of child sexual abuse, Tumblr has been removed from Apple’s app store. It was removed from the social network’s app on 16 November 2018, but its removal has just been revealed

Is Tumblr a safe site?

In addition to viewing inappropriate content and chatting with strangers, social media poses a number of dangers for kids. Due to its niche nature, Tumblr is a platform for darker content such as self-harm and explicit sexual imagery

Do you need an account for the Tumblr app?

Tumblr doesn’t require you to have an account, so you can search and browse for blog posts or share them on external social media sites (though you need accounts for those sites).

Why do people use Tumblr?

With its multimedia approach, it stands out as a simple, social blogging platform. Each user could create a personal home page, post text, images, GIFs, or videos, and follow other users’ feeds. The Tumblr platform was a home for curated imagery before Instagram launched in 2010.

Which country uses Tumblr the most?

In terms of web visits, the United States accounted for 46.37 percent.

What percentage of Tumblr users are female?

U.S. female internet users also accessed the blogging platform seven percent of the time. A total of 68 percent of American subscribers access Tumblr weekly

What is the most online country?

The number of internet users in China surpassed one billion by 2022, making it the world’s most visited country. The number of Indians who access the internet via any device ranked second, with close to 933 million. Nearly 307 million people are online in the United States.

How many people are in Tumblr?

In June 2013, Yahoo! Inc. purchased the company for 1.1 billion U.S. dollars, thanks to its huge popularity and success. A total of 472 million accounts have been registered on the platform as of July 2019.


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