Google+ apk For G Suite Latest Version

Download Google+ for G Suite APK v11.10.0.305602887. Discover what you love on Google+. Explore topics that interest you, Explore collections, Get deeper into the things you love, Join communities to connect with people around all kinds of topics. It is part of the Social category and is developed by Google Inc. Ratings on our website average 4.3 stars.

Google+ apk For G Suite Latest Version

However, this app was rated 4.2 out of 5 stars on different rating platforms. Also, feel free to leave your review for Google+ for G Suite on our website so that other users will have a better idea what the app is like. Google+ for G Suite can be found at Google Support if you would like to learn more. Taking into account the ratings of 4,345,358 users, an average rating of 4.2 is calculated. 372,492 users rated the app 1 stars, while 2,757,134 users rated it 5 stars.

There have been at least 1,000,000,000 downloads of this app, but as many as 5,000,000,000 have been downloaded. You can download Google+ for G Suite if you need a free social media app for your device, but you will need Android 5.0 or higher to do so.

APKsFree published this app on June 21, 2015 and it has been available since then. It is currently at The app is available in English, and there are 84 versions available to download. By clicking on the file name, you can install the APK using your favorite file manager.

Installing from unknown sources is required if the installation fails. Instagram, Facebook, Facebook Lite, Frim, Snapchat, Periscope, and Instagram for G Suite are some apps similar to Google+ for G Suite. You can write a review by installing this app and rating it on our website. With our fast download speed and direct links to all 84 versions, downloading Google+ for G Suite free is hassle-free.

Frequent Questions:

Which app is G+?

The Google+ social network (pronounced Google Plus) is part of the Google social network. In contrast to Facebook and Twitter, the Google+ design team sought to mirror the way people interact offline more closely.

Is Google Plus still available?

In the case of a Google Workspace Account, you can still use Google+ within your company or school. The consumer Google+ shutdown won’t affect other Google products (such as Gmail, Google Photos, Google Drive, YouTube).

Why did G+ shut down?

The company announced that maintaining a product that failed to meet consumer expectations was too challenging. According to the initial announcement, Google would shut down Google+ within 10 months.

Can I convert my free Gmail to G Suite?

Select users by clicking on their names. Enter the user’s old Gmail address in the Migrate From field. Enter the updated G Suite (Google Workspace) email address of the user and select from the suggested users. Authorize by clicking here.

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